
Podcasts | Cross Encounters

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Pastor Samiec presents Lutheran Radio UKs weekly devotion. Inspiring messages that draw the listener close to the cross of Jesus where God comes to meet his people and to lead them in the way of truth.


Mondays: 06:00, 14:00, 22:00
Tuesdays: 02:00, 10:00, 18:00
Wednesdays: 06:00, 14:00, 22:00
Thursdays: 02:00, 10:00, 18:00
Fridays: 06:00, 14:00, 22:00
Sundays: 02:00, 10:00, 18:00

Podcast List

Making it personal

All Christian theology, Bible studies, sermons, and more become personal in Baptism where God personally declares all Christian theology, Bible studies, sermon, and more to be FOR YOU.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-02-09

Not side-stepping life

Jesus entered our world and lived each day not `fast forwarding` through the boring or dull days but died and rose again to be with us each day.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-02-02


Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice (Philippians 4:4 ESV).

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-01-26


So central and so important to the Christian life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-01-19

Getting enough rest

The best way is to come into God`s presence and he will serve you!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-01-12

Our foundational identity

No matter our identities or roles in this world, Christians can have the sure foundation that they are God`s children because God is faithful!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2025-01-05

Christmas and Holy Communion

Their message is the same – Jesus is God for us and with us – which is very personal!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-12-29

The mystery of worship

Beyond our experiences of worship, God is present because he says so – through words, water, bread, and wine – and he is the one who is active towards us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-12-22

Getting whacked!

That is what life can seem like – one whack after another – never getting a break! (Where are you, God?!) The story of the crucified man alive again with us offers the best comfort and help that we or our life is not meaningless.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-12-01

Words from us and words about us

As important as my confession of Faith is, what is more important is Jesus` action of confessing us to the Father!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-11-24

Overwhelmed by suffering?

It is so easy to be overwhelmed more and more with social media. There are many ways to respond. One key way is to pray. Another important way might be looking up more and more at the real world around you than the world on the screen.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-11-17

Our God is good!

That is probably one of the hardest messages to keep saying in the world and to believe in the heart! Nevertheless, it is true! Look to the cross!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-11-10


Yes, the Bible talks about angels but let us be clear about what the Bible says and what is not said.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-11-03

Dealing with death

We cannot. Death takes our life. In Christ, Christians trust that death does not have the final say. That is the message at every Christian funeral. (Why not help your loved ones grieve at the funeral by writing down the Bible verses and hymns you would like at the service?)

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-10-27

Living words

We hear so many words and some of them speak to us. The Holy Spirit works so that we hear in God`s Word what we need to hear! Let us listen!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-10-20


Christians always live in intersections of faith and action, church, and state – or in Two Kingdoms as Lutherans sometimes say. Nevertheless, being aware of the intersections helps us remember the essence of the Church and gives us freedom in how we live our faith.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-10-13

At the centre

For all the theological talk that is around and the mysteries we cannot fully understand, let us not lose sight of the joy and certainty of Jesus and salvation through him and live each day with his relationship with us at the centre of our being.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-10-06


What is your perspective of God? What is the divine perspective of you? The world`s gods are `up there` or `far away` but in Christianity Jesus is close by and face to face.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-09-29

When death draws near

When death is near, for the Christian Jesus is nearer!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-09-22

Receptive spirituality

To be busy and active for God always means receiving from Him first.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-09-15


Whatever culture might say about left handedness; God expects me to use both hands to his glory.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-09-08

My Olympic musings

In the world we have ladders, podiums, and medals all because we are measured by achievements. Jesus gives us his victor`s wreath so we can live with confidence and concentrate not on beating others but serving them.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-09-01

More goes right than wrong

No matter the trials and troubles of this world, more goes right than goes wrong because God keeps working in hidden ways to stop us totally wrecking everything. Don`t believe me? Look at the cross of Jesus!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-08-25


Expectations are wonderful for good things and fearful of bad things. The world fears death. The followers of Jesus have a different expectation about death.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-08-18

In the civic realm

Jesus` disciples can follow him in any civic realm – and each civic realm will have its own challenges.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-08-11

It`s a mystery!

If we are saved, it is by God`s grace. If people are lost, it is their own fault! It is a mystery! But thank you, Jesus, it is so!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-08-04

Powerful words

It is better to confront bad words with truth spoken in love than trying to ban or silence them.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-07-28

Fitting in

Knowing where we `fit` in this world is so very important. Christianity proclaims the best message anyone can ever hear – and it is more radical than ever could be imagined.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-07-21


Christian forgiveness seems absolutely absurd when the benefit is for the perpetrator and the relationship that had been broken. `What about me?` cries the world.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-07-14

A D-Day Reflection

No matter the circumstances we face, we can go forward each day in the confidence of God`s grace and mercy in Christ. Such grace and mercy are daily encounters and not God clicking his fingers to make our life easy.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-07-07

Letter and Spirit

We need rules and regulations to live safely and well but we also need to enact them so that they are just. Often Christians can believe that living with God means that the Gospel is in service of the Law. Jesus is not a new Law Giver! But it is hard not to abuse God`s grace! Keeping Law and Gospel correctly discerned is what discipleship and ministry are all about.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-06-30

Understanding messages

Messages are more than words. We need context and intention to help us understand. God`s message, context, and intention in Jesus is the message we – and the whole world – needs to hear!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-06-23

God is not absent

The ascension of Jesus is not `Up, up, and away!` but the event that guarantees his presence with us wherever we are! God is never absent from his people!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-06-16

Looking up ... at the moon ... and at the cross

I think we would view the moon differently if men had died on it. How interesting that God in Jesus has died on this world! How does that make us view life?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-06-09


We can find threes anywhere we are in the world! Public speakers are often taught to only make three key points. It`s almost as if creation and the way we are trying to tell us something! Welcome to the Trinity!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-06-02

Why do people want to go to heaven?

Why do people want to go to heaven and be stuck for eternity with a God they don`t want to have anything to do with here?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-05-26

So many identities

We have so many identities but what is foundational for Christians is what Jesus says about us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-05-19

Waiting around

Actually, there is no waiting around with Jesus!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-05-12

Reflecting on the solar eclipse

No darkness can ever snuff out Jesus!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-05-05

Things are not always as they appear!

That is so true for the followers of Jesus!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-04-28

The spoiler that is not a spoiler

The resurrection of Jesus is not a spoiler. Its light shines on Jesus` life and death and reveals that Jesus is true!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-04-21

At home when not at home

This side of eternity we can have various homes. The only one that is stable and indestructible is when Jesus makes his home with us!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-04-14

Not what was expected

That is really the story of Jesus! Yet Jesus is what we need when we expect to live a good life!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-04-07

The Church

Despite what we see or think, the Church is really one and dynamic. That truth is a hidden reality. The truth of the Church is found in Jesus – in what Jesus uses to come to us, in the people who gather to meet him, and in the words used to explain what is going on!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-03-31

The unexpected

God is with us even in the unexpected – and no matter how frustrating, problematic, or troublesome – God brings good from all things for nothing is unexpected to him.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-03-24


We have routines for all sort of things in our life. Discipleship involves incorporating encounters with Jesus into our life – daily, routinely even – not out of fear or self-promotion before God – but because the relationship with God who loves us so enriches everything in our life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-03-17


Christians do not seek to be martyrs but because Jesus is who he is, Christians do want to witness to him in all circumstances.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-03-10

Being what you cannot see

Seeing, role models, good examples are very important! However, through faith Christians live who they are in this world – new creations in Christ – by what they hear – God`s Word – more than by what they see.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-03-03

Always singing

May the Church treasure its songs while encouraging more to be written. God is always worth our praise!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-02-25


It can be such a turmoil – but with a focus on Jesus and on others – others may say that we are coping best.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-02-18

What is true?

Truth is not based in sincerity but in something objectively measured. For Christians that means Jesus and who he is and what he has done for us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-02-11

The human factor

We cannot get away from it when things in life crash. Let us be honest about it. God is honest about it. Look what Jesus did because of human error – even worse – sin.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-02-04

Who is doing more harm than good?

Religion? Science? Governments? Or really is it simply you and me? And that is why Jesus is the solution rather than the problem.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-01-28

Precious Baptism

In Christian Baptism, the baptised and Jesus are linked person-to-person – personally so that we become who we are in Christ.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-01-21

What we say and what we do

Where accountability is flaunted if possible in the world, Christians seek to be accountable to Jesus – not because of rules or fear but because Jesus` grace gives living the best meaning and purpose.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-01-14


We don`t grasp Christmas or The Epiphany – they are more than just stories from the past – until we understand that these events happened and are actually and truly for all people. Yes, FOR YOU!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2024-01-07

Telling the time

No matter the year, Christians know that now is the time of salvation which is there for people all the time – thank you, Jesus!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-12-31

Violence and the Prince of Peace

There is so much violence in the past and still today that the message of the Prince of Peace can seem simply ludicrous – except to Jesus` followers who seek to follow him.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-12-24

Honest and having integrity

Should we be?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-12-17

When things are too much – up or down

Whether we feel as if we`ve been kicked in the guts or we`re on Cloud 9, Jesus in the Divine Service helps us not be depressed or conceited as we focus on him and he directs us to live well with those round us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-12-10

God is faithful

In all the ups and downs of the Church, in all the ups and downs of our life, God is faithful.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-12-03

Thank you

Thank yous are always more than just words.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-11-26

Remains and remaining

Wherever our mortal remains might be, those in Christ always remain with the Lord because the grave is not the end of the story.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-11-19

Reformation Practical

If the Lutheran Reformation is only historical and not for today – for people today – then what is the point?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-11-12


There is a lot of confusion about saints today. Most commonly thought of as `super good people` the biblical idea is of people touched by a holy God to be his people in this world and so all those in Christ are saints and called to live that identity.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-11-05

Words matter

Without words there is no life; there is no us. What words matter to you? Why?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-10-29


Emojis communicate. God`s emoji to us is Jesus. Perhaps a black cross on a red heart would best declare in an emoji the foundation of the relationship God establishes with us and reminds us that God is for us not against us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-10-22

Cutting short

We can`t create God`s blessings to us but we can certainly cut them short. Only with Jesus can we have life in all its fullness.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-10-15


When we are invited to call someone by their name, we are being drawn into a personal relationship.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-10-08

Learning to walk

Learning to walk is marked by joy and frustration whether we`re talking about it physically or in terms of discipleship. Our footsteps can reveal our identity, mood, and intention. Only when following Jesus do we truly learn about ourselves and, more importantly, about our God who wants us to live and walk with joy.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-10-01

How do we really regard others?

When we have something in common – DNA, place of birth, or occupation – we make alliances because to be alone is to be vulnerable and fodder. Jesus came along and revealed that we all have something in common – that he loves each one of us and rescued us to live with him. That new perspective has reshaped the world but there is so much more to do.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-09-24

Gold medal behaviour

Gold medals are all about winning but perhaps one should think of them as an acknowledgement of champions. How might you be a champion disciple of Jesus?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-09-17


Faith is very personal but in Christianity it is not centred in us!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-09-10

Instead of throwing out a ruined recipe

In Christianity, God made the world `very good`. Human beings ruined the world. God didn`t throw his creation into the bin but chose to enter it and rescue. That`s the message people need to hear about Jesus – and themselves.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-09-03

In whose image?

The world made in our image is a world of enslavement and death. A world made in God`s image is one of serving others and life. And Jesus came into our world so that our way of things need not be `the way of this world`.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-08-27

What we leave behind

There are many things, I`m sure, but the most important is what God in Jesus gives to us - life with Him to live and share.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-08-20


Christianity is all about leading to Baptism or returning to it.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-08-13

Out of place

With Jesus, Christians are and are not out of place in this world! We are placed where we can serve.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-08-06


What is normal? What everyone is doing or what we should be doing? When people realise that Jesus died for them and rose again then normal becomes related to him – and life is never normal again!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-07-30

One and fractured

The Church is one and yet fractured and so it is important that the disciples of Jesus listen to each so that God`s Word is shared, taught, and lived as Jesus wants.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-07-23

Not for the birds

The experience of faith is not the ground of faith.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-07-16


For good or ill, we classify ourselves and others and produce good or ill with them. With Jesus the categories are much simpler – all human beings are sinners and all human beings are loved by God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-07-09

Learning from being `pandemic sensitive`

When we wore masks and how we behave now is really all about not hurting others.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-07-02

When the words want to crucify again

In a world full of blasphemy and false teaching about God, how should Christians respond? With words that point to the God who forgives.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-06-25


Words are powerful and should be handled with care. They are tied so deeply to living. They reflect the truth that the only, one, true God speaks.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-06-18

Not alone. Ever.

Such is the promise of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of the Father. What comfort, help, and strength that can be to counter violence, shame, fear, and death. Thank you, Holy Spirit!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-06-11

Some things don`t change

Some things don't change and when it comes to our Triune God's grace and mercy that is good news!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-06-04


When things are unexpected for us, they are not unexpected for God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-05-28

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes are not the programme to get blessings but give us an insight of Jesus and why following him is blessed.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-05-21

Death`s power is broken

Death can make us morose, afraid, and lots more which shrivels life to a husk. Only Jesus has broken its power. Anything else that claims a defeat of death is delusion.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-05-14

A coronation is good when it is for all

The coronation of King Charles III provides a moment for everyone to consider the civic role in society. For Christians that always means following Jesus seeking to serve.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-05-07

Emergency alert warning systems

The sirens get our attention but do we listen? We do when we trust the messenger. When God in Jesus is trusted then we have alerts, advice, support, and help in all situations.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-04-30

Always learning

That's a good motto for life and an even better one for faith!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-04-23

No one is the wrong blood type for Jesus

The power of the resurrection and the mystery of Holy Communion mean that people today can encounter Jesus and learn that He is for us and not against us and follow Him.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-04-16

Meeting Jesus with others

The Church is not just local and global but also spiritual and physical and meeting Jesus with others can be so enriching – spiritually and physically. Jesus always makes a difference each day!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-04-09

Local and Global

In following Jesus, the Church wants to serve her neighbours – whether they're in eyesight or on the other side of the world. Working out how to serve takes wisdom and effort.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-04-02

Reflecting on Mothering Sunday (UK)

Mothers, Lent, and Jesus all combined – a story often unknown – and one which doesn't stop us from honouring our own Mum!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-03-26

Service? On whose terms?

It is easy to be cynical about service. Whose agenda is being met? Only God in Jesus Christ offers and delivers true service.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-03-19

Not transactional at all

The world understands 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' and that so many of our relationships are transactional – particularly in religion. Until we come to Christianity and Jesus that is! Then it is gift upon gift!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-03-12

We can`t escape ourselves!

But Jesus has rescued us so that we can live in him and that life is better than anything we could have done on our own!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-03-05

Your perspective

We have so many experiences and encounter many points of view that it is important to understand why we have the perspective we have. For Christians, the answer is seen in Jesus and who is and what he has done for us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-02-26

More than expected

Christianity is more than ethics - how we behave - and Jesus is more than a teacher which is why following Jesus is really about relationships when you consider the cross.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-02-19

Did you hear the one about?

Jesus breaks the stereotype of God – look at the cross – so that people may live. Jesus' followers break the stereotype of discipleship with laughter rather than asceticism – because a full life with Jesus involves everyone around his...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-02-12


Words are so powerful and none more so than the Word made flesh.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-02-05

A lived faith

The Christian Faith is not disconnected from our lives but it exists and is lived in our situation – no matter what it is – because Jesus relates to us in all situations and no situation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-01-29

A spiral to God

Each church year, the liturgical seasons can draw us closer to God because we are changing each year and God is faithfully still serving us each year.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-01-22

More than influence

Jesus doesn't simply influence life – he kills the sinful flesh and brings a new life (in him) into being – and that is far more radical than influencing.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-01-15

The encounter is now

Christmas, The Epiphany, Easter, anything about Jesus can seem to be about him with Jesus himself 'far away' and in one sense irrelevant but the power of words and the work of the Holy Spirit mean that people are still meeting Jesus through...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-01-08

With us in our time and place

The message of the Incarnation isn't about making Jesus like us but reminds us that God wants to us to be like him.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2023-01-01


Why Christmas is celebrated is important to know because, at its heart, it is a celebration of God being with us today.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-12-25

Religious appropriation

People build their religions from all sorts of sources. How different is it for people when God reveals himself in Jesus Christ!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-12-18

The book of Revelation

When people read the book of Revelation they are looking for comfort and hope – and in Jesus you can always find it for he is with his people always!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-12-11

No matter what is happening

What is happening to us is always important to us - and we never face it alone with Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-12-04

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

Truth is important to us. The best truth is Jesus Christ.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-11-27

Knowing the right forecast

Getting the forecasts right are very helpful for so much of living from the weather to the economy and more. How much more important is the right forecast that comes with living with Jesus Christ! Now that's life in all its fulness!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-11-20

The power of words

Whether we hear them as they are spoken or read them from centuries past, words open the world and others to us – and that is no more so than with the Word of God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-11-13

While waiting at Heathrow ...

When imagining heaven and arrivals there, let's be firmly grounded in God's Word – and there isn't much detail, but it is enough!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-11-06

Which way to turn?

Whichever way it is, hopefully we make the best decision we can each time. Knowing that Jesus is with us is good and supportive, but he is not the puppet master, or a heavenly sat-nav. Rather Jesus guides us through his Word. Which way we turn is up to...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-10-30

What are the stories you tell yourself?

We all tell them and they shape our life but they do not necessarily define reality. For the Christian, defining reality and truth comes from God's Word which impacts the stories we tell ourselves.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-10-23

Location, Location, Location

Whether it is the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time, we live in specific places all the time – and Jesus is with his people wherever they are because he is united with them in Baptism – and so wherever we are, we are...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-10-02

Testing the fuses

Will I test the new fuses in the house? If I remember and follow the electrician's instructions. Will I live as a person who is saved? That will depend upon whose words take hold of me even when my following them is all over the place.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-09-18

The full story

Learning the full story is important. When it comes to salvation, then the full story must include Jesus and his cross and empty tomb.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-09-11

On the announcement of the death of Her Majesty The Queen

Cross Encounters - #376

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-09-11

When things are unexpected

We live with the expected and the unexpected and Jesus helps us with both.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-09-04


Reflections on the birth of a granddaughter.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-08-28


We listen to so much! And those voices - in the room, online, live or recorded - shape us. Making sure we hear theological truth for our context is important in forming us - growing us - in Christ. What a blessing it is to have Lutheran Radio UK.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-08-21

Thoughts from a raging bull

The opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games can remind us that the past is always a mixture of 'good' and 'bad'. Whether personally or socially, only Jesus is best placed to help us with our history and our tomorrows.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-08-14

When you`re 100 years old

With age comes perspective – especially in the Faith.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-08-07

Living in this world

Following Jesus in this world means knowing truth and seeking to serve everyone – friends and enemies, supporters and opponents – and society benefits.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-07-31

More than labels and names

Identity is big at the moment but who determines it?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-07-24


We wear our clothes for all sorts of reasons – functional and festive, to be seen by others and just for being at home – and they say something about us. Through Baptism people 'put on Christ'. Returning to our Baptism each day is like...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-07-17

Reflecting on the weather

I once heard the statement "there is no bad weather, only poor clothing" which, whatever we think of its veracity, reminds us that what we bring to situations – particularly our attitudes and insights as guided by God's Word – affects...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-07-10

The Trinity

The Triune God is a mystery to us but that doesn't make God unknowable.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-07-03

God`s Word

The question to ask when we are reading that Bible is not whether it is God's Word – it is – and that answer is definitive, static. The question to ask when reading the Bible is 'How is what I am reading God's Word for me?'. That...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-06-26


We want people to be technically competent and good at what they do but also their character is not unimportant. We are returning to this truth in today's world more and more.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-06-19


If Pentecost is not about Jesus, then what's the point of it?!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-06-12

Faith – like life – is never static

We are either growing or declining; getting healthy or unwell, living is about movement. Since faith is living, we can always do things to help or hinder it. It is important to remember that God is faithful and Jesus doesn't change.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-06-05

A sudden change

No matter how much people insist that God doesn't exist, it doesn't make him go away! That is true as a thought exercise and in reality. The resurrection of Jesus was unexpected and whether it is good news or bad news really does depend when...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-05-29


How do people relate to God? Often people think about spiritual relationships in terms of monarch and subject or all-powerful and not-powerful or master and servant or owner and pet or mystery and student but to think in terms of friends needs more...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-05-22

Dying to live

How we live is very much shaped by what we think dying and death are all about. No wonder then that what Jesus has done changes everything!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-05-15

Being insistent

The right rant at the right time to the right people just may get heard. Christ is risen! Our deaf world needs to hear this!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-05-08

We still grieve but we also have hope

'Long grief' is being discussed because of the COVID-19 context. All who grieve are in pain – and yes, it is long-term. Even longer, though, is the comfort and hope that Jesus brings since he is with people for the 'long haul' –...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-05-01

It’s called the long view

Perspective isn’t everything but it is very import, especially when it includes Jesus’ resurrection.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-04-24


Hugs are special – to receive and to share – and the empty tomb of Jesus is God reaching out to hug all people.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-04-17

Confessing our sins

Such confession is one of the most important ingredients in all growing relationships.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-04-10

Getting hit with one thing after another

No matter the relentless pressure of life or the 'hard knocks' that come, Christians can be resilient not because God waves a magic wand but because God broke the 'quick fix stick' into a cross.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-04-03

Glimpsing the local and the global

Jesus calls us to him in the Divine Service and then sends us into the world to serve. We often go out together but should we?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-03-27

When the chatter inside our heads becomes too loud

Listening to a psychology podcast became a springboard for appreciating God's Word, meditation, prayer, Christian consolation, and the perspective they bring.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-03-20

Keep listening!

The songs are wonderful and the messages are helpful!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-03-13

Whether it is Ukraine or somewhere else – what shall I do?

Especially when the world becomes fearful, we wonder what to do. How we should behave, however, is a daily question that shouldn't be ignored. Christians should definitely know their answer.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-03-06

When not wanting the phone to ring

Reflections on facing tough situations and yes Jesus is still with us in all circumstances.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-02-27

Imagining Jesus laughing

I do. I hope you do too.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-02-20


HO'OPONOPONO?? Yes, I thought so too! Yet it's amazing how learning a word can take us on a journey. That's even more so with the Word made flesh!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-02-13

On the occasion of Her Majesty`s accession to the throne

The Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II commences on 6th February and offers us a milestone to reflect on authority. What should we do with power and authority?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-02-06

There is always movement

There is always movement in living – and in this world – growing or declining. The Triune God is always coming towards us. How people move in response – towards or away – is very much about what they know of this Triune God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-01-30

Knowing the outcome

How do we know anything? Through experience, research, and trust. And that's also true about Jesus. He is not the fabrication often claimed but a living and personal truth to be encountered.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-01-23

Is anyone out there?

The question of the possibility of life outside our planet is a journey in our increasing knowledge while the message of a cross and empty tomb offers new life and a journey that lasts for ever. Both journeys are exciting!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-01-16

A long time

How long is a long time? The answers vary. How wonderful to hear that God loves us all the time!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-01-09


Learning to walk is an adventure – just as walking can lead us to new horizons. Is that why walking is a good metaphor about Christian discipleship?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2022-01-02

Christmas letters

What do we say in our Christmas letters? Something about family and the year no doubt. And Christmas itself reminds us that God is with us as well – but often in the background, helping, blessing. In fact at Christmas, he can be easy to miss!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-12-26

Paradoxes and the Joy of Learning

There's always so much to learn in our wonderful world – and that includes paradoxes. The more we learn there is more to learn! And that includes the story of Jesus and Advent where the God we don't see or hear keeps coming to us to help and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-12-19


What are yours? What are God's? How and why might they mix?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-12-12


We appreciate being in the same room with people and also, particularly since the pandemic arrived, being online. Yet what hasn't changed is the deep connectedness one feels when someone really listens. Listening – proper listening – is a most...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-12-05


Christian hope inspires both action and security – a wonderful way to live.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-11-28

What is your context?

We live our moments determined by our context. Our context also determines what we think about God and how we behave. People think they understand the 'God context' - until they meet Jesus who turns everything upside down!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-11-21

Being Green

Yes, there is a First Article of the Apostles' Creed!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-11-14

Talking in and about the darkness

Depressive disorders and mental illness need to come out into the light more.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-11-07

Remembering the Lutheran Reformation

The Lutheran Reformation is a 16th century event which still impacts today as our spiritual disaster response. Will we respond?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-10-31

The point of vaccinations

Well, there is the needle! There is also truth that it is a good way to serve our neighbour in public health.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-10-24

Local and Global

We live in congregations – specific localities – and yet we say in the Creed all the time that the Church is global. We diminish the Church when we emphasise one over against the other – so finding good ways of living in the tension is part of...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-10-18

Musings on a harvest

Life and living is truly a gift. But that thought implies a giver. As harvests come and go, that thought never goes away. What else might a harvest thanksgiving reveal?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-10-10

Ah, the Church – very local and very global

Any history of a group of Christians reveals both the local and also the historical – a past which reminds us that we never 'create' Christianity or the Faith – we only receive it – to be lived and to be passed on faithfully.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-10-03

From neuroscience to forgiveness

Our world is an amazing place and the journeys we can take in our minds likewise. And God is with us in both!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-09-26

Is there too much talking out loud in church?

The question of silence and personal engagement in worship is a topic that arises from time to time. A few thoughts this week.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-09-19

What`s so funny?

What's so funny? Lots of things! But humour is tricky to negotiate and laughter can be both joyous and cruel. A reflection on living well with a laugh – or might I say 'laughing well'?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-09-12


No, this is not the cry for some semblance of quiet by the Speaker in the House of Commons. Rather this is about knowing what is happening in worship and why. What we do when and why is important but not as important as knowing what God is doing when and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-09-05

Being together

The mystery of Christian discipleship is that we relate to Jesus through faith which ultimately means that Jesus is beyond our senses and experiences – and yet he uses means – words, water, bread and wine – to reach us via our senses and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-08-29

The power of hope

For the Christian, hope is faith grounded in Christ looking into the future – and that is its true power.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-08-22

There is something about Mary

Christians and the world know that Jesus' mother was Mary. What does that mean for us today? The many answers suggest that there is something about Mary!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-08-15

The Vibe

What is the vibe of a thing, a person, or a relationship? A quintessence perhaps? We often live by vibes. In Christianity all vibes need to be anchored in God's Word – all of it – not just our favourite parts – so that we don't make God...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-08-08

The stroke of a pen

Why do we do what we do in Church? I think it is important that each of us know what is behind we way we react and behave. That is why the distinction between public doctrine and pious opinion is very important.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-08-01

Lifting the lid on worship

In the UK the devolved governments are lifting the lid on public worship – 'there are no restrictions' is the summary. But how true is such a sentiment when we talk about Christian worship?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-07-25

The Church

What did you think of when you saw that word? No doubt people and buildings and labels and possibly a chequered history. Such are not unimportant at all. But it is good to first remember that the Christian Church is an article of faith and a hidden...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-07-18


Faces are everywhere! People have them and we can even 'see' them on inanimate objects. We so want to know and be known and faces are a good place to start. Of course this begs the question spiritually – Does God have a face? What would you...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-07-11

When things don`t go our way

How do we deal with living when things don't go as we wish? No doubt in many ways. However the best starting point is remembering that God is already with us in the moment and not far away 'waiting to be called'.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-07-04

What is faith or doubt?

What are the issues today about faith and doubt? What should the Church be saying and doing?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-06-13

Can `free will` live up to its name?

Answers to that question might be found in philosophy, physics, and neuroscience. A cross and an empty tomb also shines light on the question.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-06-06

God is happy to share his personal data with you

God goes to great lengths to reveal Himself through the Word made flesh. Jesus points us to the Father – and together they send the Holy Spirit. Thus God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – don't share this personal information for ego but...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-05-30

The news and the `Thought for the Day`

We all have thoughts each day about life and living. The Good News of Jesus is the best news to help shape our thoughts.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-05-23

What have you learnt from the pandemic?

There is a lot to learn – and to learn a greater appreciation of God and his means of grace. We are never alone.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-05-16

The centrality of Baptism

Baptism – being joined to Jesus' death and resurrection and in a new birth and new life – is critical for everyone because our journey is either being drawn to Jesus in Baptism or returning daily to Jesus and Baptism. That's what living by...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-05-09

Changing behaviour

Knowledge is usually not enough to bring about change. What is needed is a reason or motivation. So when it comes to relating to God and to our behaviour that flows from faith, then what we need, above all, is the Gospel.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-05-02

Always with us

The Good News of Jesus is not just that he speaks to us but also that he moves. Everything to do with him is about him coming to us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-04-25

In the midst of death we are in life

It would seem that I've got the words 'death' and 'life' back to front! But no, I haven't. This is what Jesus is all about!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-04-18

So much faith around

You better believe it! Just getting up in the morning requires it – as does believing in God – as does claiming that God doesn't exist – as does driving a car, going to the doctor, and getting married. What do you believe and why?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-04-11

Resurrection realities

There are two realities. The main one is that Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The second one, not unimportant, involves why you are being told that Jesus is alive? If speakers want something for themselves by this message, then be on alert....

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-04-04

Power for living

No matter our physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual state, God's Word speaks into our day and helps us live.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-03-28

The Small Catechism

The Small Catechism is designed to engage our brain, heart, hands, and mouth because we can live with someone hidden from our senses. Christians live with Jesus through faith. The Small Catechism guides how read and respond to God's Word and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-03-21

Making sense

We need to make sense of the world to live in it. Whom do we trust for this understanding? That depends on what you want to know! There is so much we can learn but when it comes to living with meaning and purpose then Jesus and his cross can never be...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-03-14

Who am I?

'Who am I?' is one of the most foundational questions in the world. There can be many answers! However when we ask 'Who am I before God?' then the followers of Jesus through the centuries learn that same answer – loved.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-03-07

God and Violence

It is unnerving to contemplate when you put God and violence together. How would we survive against an angry God? And it seems we can't escape either topic in this life. That is why the violence of the cross needs to be contemplated. What is it all...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-02-28

The glory of God

In Lent we are reminded not to ignore our eyes but also not to let sight determine everything – particularly when it comes to God and his glory.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-02-21

The masked faced of God

While we are learning to live with masks in our world these days, Christians have always heard of and seen the face of God through Jesus and the means of grace.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-02-14

Getting it right

We want to get things right but to do so we need to know what that actually is and, more importantly, why. For Christians, the Gospel holds the key to both the what and the why. But don't switch your brain off working it out!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-02-07

The words from whose mouth

We really can't communicate without words. And yet knowing who is speaking very much helps us hear and understand. What is the relationship between you who hear words and the speaker who says them?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-01-31

Free speech

What do you mean that there is no such thing?! We can say what we like! Yet words exist always in contexts and relationships, so whom should they serve?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-01-24

In the water

What is Jesus doing in the water meant for sinners? Why is the voice from heaven pleased? Sinner? Son of God? What is going on? Oh ... it is about ME! ... Aha!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-01-17

The power of words

There is huge power in words. Unbelievable. Creative. Destructive. Self-serving. Self-giving. To whom do we listen and why?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-01-10

When the wrapping paper is torn and crunched up

We need more than a Christmas break to help us through life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2021-01-03

There has to be an explanation

We want things to make sense and be understandable. It is good that we do to live safely and well. But when things don't fit into our world, does that mean they are not true? Christmas can only be understood by what happens 33 years later.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-12-27

The time it takes

Time might be sped up or slowed down in films, literature, and our imagination but we live it one second, one minute, one hour at a time. And no matter whether that moment is happy or sad, smiles or tears, God is with us all the time.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-12-20

Good News

We tend to think good news is good news for all. However on reflection, this might not be the case. How intriguing that the good news of Jesus can be so difficult to both hear and share. How marvellous that people have faith in Jesus at all!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-12-13

When death comes close

Sometimes we see it coming and at other times we don’t. Death is something we’d prefer ‘over the horizon’ and out of sight. But it is always lurking. It can shrivel life and make people very afraid. However Jesus can help us deal with death when...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-12-06

About the future

Whatever the future is – and it comprises the predictable and the unpredictable – the followers of Jesus know what they need to do – serve and love their neighbours.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-11-29

An empty or full heaven?

What we think is ‘over the horizon’ shapes how we live now. God’s world is always teeming with life and he has gone to amazing lengths to share it. Life is more than just only between ‘me and God’.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-11-22

Don’t put me on hold!

When phoning, we want to speak to a real person. When with people, we want to be noticed, not brushed aside. So spiritual relationships can be tricky when they seem so one-sided. And they are – until one meets Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-11-15


We want to be the judges not the judged but life doesn’t work like that. We are judged often about lots of things. What happens when God gets involved?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-11-08

Learning to live where we find ourselves

Being aware of our surroundings contributes to our safety and wellbeing and wisdom gives us our purpose.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-11-01

Religious reverie

Birthday musings, living, and dying … what is important in life? Really? It has to be Jesus and the Gospel!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-10-25

Something different … a story

There is often more than meets the eye.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-10-18

Days and Seasons

We are conscious of time and history and yet sometimes one date so dominates that it ‘takes over’ that day. Are there any such dates in your life?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-10-11


His story is more than just history!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-10-04

Leaks need fixing just as life needs to be lived

While we would like to control things so that problems, hassles, and suffering are avoided, life is not like that. A lot of living is responding to what is happening and for Christians, they do so never alone, for Jesus is with them.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-09-27

When we suddenly see

When we think we know everything then we can be so blind. Jesus and the Bible can seem hard to understand, crazy even. And yet when the crucified man is seen as our gracious Lord, then we can see ourselves and living here in such a new way.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-09-20


We are seeing less of them in these pandemic times. Yet we desire to see them because they help us know someone personally. So what does it mean when God’s face shines on us?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-09-13

Understanding the assessments

In the northern hemisphere, going back to school is happening. And that inevitably means assessments. How do we think about them and where does God fit in?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-09-06

When things don’t go right

There are lots of reasons why things don’t go right. Where does God fit in? Well, that depends on who your God is and what you’re expecting to be done.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-08-30

Who says what is normal?

In a changing world through the centuries, Christians have always found themselves wrestling with what the world says is normal and what following Jesus means.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-08-23

Looking forward

Our calendars are being crossed out as plans are cancelled or changed but for those in Christ, all time is ‘crossed out’ because Jesus has defeated death’s power to cancel and wreck life. That truth affects each day and guarantees our future.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-08-16


Reflections on trust in a time of pandemic. Whom do you trust? Why? This is worth hearing! Trust me!

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-08-09

Under the night sky looking at a comet

We get a sense of perspective looking up and usually it is that we are very very small. But when the Creator speaks we can discover that we are very very precious.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-08-02

Buildings repurposed and statues pulled down

Places and things powerfully affect us. That’s why we build them. But for Christians the eye must give way to the ear.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-07-26

‘Friend’ is a good word

When ‘locked-down’ we miss our routines and plans and we can be concerned for a future we do not want. Friendships help us to be secure and have meaning – especially friendship with God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-07-19

When God speaks, the messengers should get out of the way

Musings on ‘abyss’ and ‘abbess’ and a purpose of pastors.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-07-12

What changes are coming?

How we shape our future is best determined by why.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-07-05

The test results are negative

How do we assess what we are told? What has the greater authority? For Christians, it is Jesus, the Word of God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-06-28

I can’t breathe

With the weight of sin and evil so suffocating, what do we do?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-06-21

Reading the Bible

Encountering the Word of God always has consequences. God wants everyone to follow Jesus and have the best adventure in the world.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-06-14

Living is more than getting the jobs done

We need skill and expertise to get jobs done. But living is more than just one job after another.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-06-07


Alarms are meant to be noticed. Yet they can be ignored. At Pentecost and from then on the Holy Spirit has been active focusing people on Jesus. Will the world hear?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-05-31

Religion, science and face masks

Knowing how and why we know what we know helps us live.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-05-24

How do I look?

In a world of public and private, inside and out, having someone who sees all might be confronting, even fearful. But when it is Jesus who sees all, sees us inside and out, and loves us – then it is life changing every day. His love can cast out all...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-05-17

Language is important

Jesus’ message and promise was given to comfort not control, to lift up not lock down, and, above all, to set people free by promising to remain with us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-05-10

The One and the many

God loves us all – everyone – and us individually – and Jesus’ death and resurrection tells us that God wants us to live – with Him – and with others. And then we – as individuals – can live so that the many around us can be blessed.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-05-03

Christ is with us, even in times like these

Jesus calls his people together in little groups and still comes and serves them, walks with them, helps them, suffers with them, and gives them a perspective that affects all of their lives

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-04-26

God comes to us

The Holy Spirit uses means – channels – words, water, bread and wine – so that we may know Jesus and the Father through Him.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-04-19

The new normal

What is the ‘new normal’ when someone goes into the grave with death but then comes out alive? What indeed? Disciples of every generation live in their time and place, working that out! Our ‘new normal’ of each day always has Jesus with us and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-04-12

The world’s changes and God’s unchanging love

For those baptised in Christ, they look to Jesus’ death and resurrection where we are joined to him and his new life. A daily return to our baptism is a daily putting on (like clothes) of Christ where we are reminded that our identity has been given to...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-04-05

Lord, I want… what You want

Trusting the One to Whom we call out depends on the nature and character behind the Name we cry.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-03-29

Mothering Sunday

Mothers are renowned for their love and care. They remind us that life is a gift and they can be reminders to us of God’s care and love who gives the gift of faith through the Church.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-03-22

Comfort. Comfort.

God is gracious and gives his life and forgiveness and perseverance and hope and blessings. In fact, in Jesus God gives himself so that I may live.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-03-15

The Christian lifestyle

Repentance is the only way to live; really live.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-03-09

The Truth of Christianity

Jesus’ resurrection is the Gospel by which we are being saved and which is delivered to all as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins, that he was buried and that he was raised on the third day.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-03-01

The Greatest Hero ever

Jesus’ transfiguration pointed to his death and resurrection where He saved the whole world from sin and death.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-02-23

A song for all circumstances

Church is an outstanding gift of God. We sing a new song that can be sung in all circumstances: that God has brought about peace between Him and us through the life and death of Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-02-16

God is The Giver

Everything God does are gifts to us. He came to serve and that we might live free from sin now and forever.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-02-09

Learning by repetition

Growing in our relationship with Jesus shapes how we live and behave towards. It reminds us that everyone else is also loved by our God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-02-02

The Hope of the Church and of the World

For both the Church and the World the only true hope is to stand under the cross of Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-01-26

Tragedy and joy hidden in plain sight

We have the ability to wreck things in the pursuit of our lives. God become human so that we may live with Him and live abundantly.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-01-19

Ubiquitous and Eternal

Jesus aligns Himself with sinners to save sinners.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-01-12

Be ready

Don't trudge through life. Be ready and of good courage for the coming of Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2020-01-05

I came to call sinners

The people Jesus came for may not be the ones that seem obvious to us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-12-29

An earnest appeal to a faithful Father

Entertaining stories and scenarios in our lives can tend to aptly demonstrate Biblical truths which Christ taught, also by vivid examples. This one fortifies the willing response of our Heavenly Father, who is eager to hear the prayers of His children...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-09-01

Contrast of cultures

A review of the psychology in the motives which drive our modern society shows a striking contrast to the perspective of Biblical times. The people and culture of that period were much more reliant on natural cycles, responsibility in the community, and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-08-25

Christ’s victory of Life over death

We ought to consider what seems to be a tragedy in the recent terrorist attack against Christians in Sri Lanka, in fact, as a great example of committed faith. For the victims who lost their mortal life maintained more confidence in the promise of...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-08-18

May we boast only the boldness of the Lord

The nature of our human being, with its intellect and reasoning, tends to think too largely of himself: failing to acknowledge the great majesty and mercy of God, as our only Saviour. It is only because we are so small and insignificant that He loved us...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-04-14

The weeping prophet and the weeping Messiah

Just as Jeremiah wept over the Jerusalem of his time, so does Jesus lament when people are unwilling to repent and abide by God’s Word. Jesus longs to save and protect us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-03-24

Death is defeated by Christ, our Saviour

This comparison between Psalm 93 with texts from Revelation offers enlightening similarities to help us see the great majesty of Jesus Christ as our King. Both identify His strength as a warrior to establish His reign - Everlasting. The greatest triumph...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-02-17

How the Parables help our understanding of God`s Word

Christ tells the disciples about the purpose of His parables: as a unique means of conveying the great mysteries of God’s Kingdom to those eager to learn His Word – at ALL levels of understanding. Likewise, we must listen and ponder these teachings,...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-02-03

Follow the Shepherd, not the blind man

Just as Christ warned of the false teachings of the Pharisees, so also we must be aware of this as a risk amongst many religious leaders today. By seeking out the pastors and churches who clearly profess the truth from God’s Word, we can be certain to...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2019-01-27

Jesus Christ: certified in God`s Word

An opportunity to consider the coded language by which Jesus is confirmed as the Messiah who was prophesied to come and save His people. By use of extraordinary Biblical illusions which are clearly inscribed in the ancient text, Jesus verifies His...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-12-30

A view of Christ as our central foundation

Consider what is most important about the Christmas tree. Certainly it seems impressive and stunning as it stands tall and glorious, with star and lights. Yet the most vital is the firm stand that keeps it centred and upright. Likewise, Christ is the...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-12-23

Christ is with us through Word, Water, Bread and Blood

A worthy cause for meaningful meditation, as we prepare for Christ’s coming during Advent season: Note how prominent is Scriptural reference describing the lifeline of Christ in our Lutheran liturgy. This account pledges faithful reminder of how His...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-12-16

Will God really dwell on earth?

As we enter the season of Advent the idea of God clothing Himself in human flesh seems illogical. Yet, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary to save the world.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-12-02


This reflection on Psalm 13 provides a stunning contrast from a sense of despair, feeling forsaken by God (as we know in life circumstance) to uplifting praise, rejoicing that He has overcome our enemies! That is: over sin, death and the devil. A great...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-11-25

The Church of Christ born as new creation

Here is an interesting correlation describing a link between the origin of woman – formed as a new creation from Adam – and the birth of the Church – coming to life upon Christ’s death. It captivates the significance of the sacraments derived...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-09-02

Who is this man with divine authority? The Son of God!

The Gospel of Mark delivers a message that clearly affirms the identity of Jesus Christ. While his contemporaries were posing valid questions, such as how Christ can defy the traditions of the Jews, Mark concludes with the truth that Jesus is the Son of...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-06-24

We are called to listen to Christ

A review of various instances where specific declarations from Christ caused for the people to respond with offence, anger, or confusion: e.g. claiming to have divine authority and being the Son of God. Indeed, so that it led to His death. Yet we must...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-05-06

Pray for others

Luther constructed a thoughtful and methodical ‘Simple Way to Pray’, reminding us that the focus of our prayer ought not to be solely in our own interests. By revisiting Scripture, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles Creed and confessing our sins we...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-04-22

Expectations overturned

This reflection offers a double account of the supreme joy of being reunited with the Lord. As we honour Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, we can but try to fathom this extraordinary experience of the ladies meeting their Risen Lord while on the...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-04-01

Christ is our place for refuge

The Book of Joshua describes the Cities of Refuge as a gracious resource for protection and strength, to sustain those in need. The elements attributed to these shelters demonstrate a striking parallel to the security Christ offers to us. He is open and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-03-18

Don`t pass Me by

Here is example of the statue of Christ with His arms outstretched and welcoming us during the course of our travels through life. We are summoned to pause at his feet and duly respect both his authority and embrace, although too many passers-by offer no...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-02-18

Rely upon the strength of Christ

This episode narrates an incident describing how we, as Christians, are called to lend a hand of support to those whom we see heedlessly falling. Yet to maintain our balance while offering assistance, we can rely upon the strength of Christ as a Rock of...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2018-02-11

God’s greatest gift

This poetic homily reminds us the prime reason for celebrating this Christmas season. Special reference to Luke’s narrative of the birth of Christ reminds us of the great choral tradition of praise in the Bible (such as Mary’s Magnificat). In the...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-12-24

The son of promise and the Son of God

Here is a reflection upon the birth of John the Baptist: himself being a miracle conceived, and elected to prepare the way of the Lord. John deemed as ‘Son of Promise’, we see many related prophesies from the Old Testament come to be, which is...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-12-17

500 years of Reformation. Where do we go from here?

How do we translate the recent flurry of activities into long term opportunities to get the Word of God out to our communities? Real Reformation begins with confession, followed by reading, marking and inwardly digesting God’s Word, praying and...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-11-19

Call a spade a spade

The love of God does not overlook our whims and inclinations. Take sin and its consequences seriously. Don’t replace the Holy Spirit with the spirit of the age. Truth and right are embodied in Jesus Christ.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-11-12

Reformation: Worth remembering

Here is a helpful review reminding us the enduring creed of Lutheran theology. ‘The Four Solas’ are central, founded on Luther’s prime principle that we are saved by faith alone. Focus on Scripture recounts the mission of Christ in all He did, all...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-10-29

An amazing path

The true and proper worship of God should be as natural to his people as birds following their migratory paths.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-10-08

From death to life

The ill state of our human condition is the product of sin in our lives, and though we tend to deny it, death is our fate. Yet everlasting hope is in Christ, who triumphed over our fate to deliver us new life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-09-24

From sorrow to joy

Jesus says in John 16:20: Truly, truly, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-09-10

The Shepherd who carries His people

False idols are like burdens that people carry around. But these idols will never carry people through the tough times of life. The people of God are encouraged to place their trust in Him who seeks, saves and carries us upon His own shoulders.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-09-03

The landmarks of faith

Church celebrations such as Christmas and Easter are signs that God worked mightily in history to fulfil His promise and save His people. They remind us of God’s trustworthiness and serve as tools to teach future generations that God is with us and has...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-08-27

Does it matter what God we pray to?

Only Jesus forgives sins. Only Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-08-13

Jacob`s ladder

We, sinful humans, are incapable of climbing up to God through our own works or merits. Instead, we gather at the foot of the ladder and wait for God to come down to us and God did exactly that when He sent His own incarnate Son into the world.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-07-30

The old has passed away, the new has come

Humans want to be happy but they are unwilling to do what they know will bring them happiness. This is true even of those who long to do God’s will. Trapped in a hell of our own making we often aren’t “living the dream” but the nightmare....

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-07-16

Triumphant defeat

In the darkness and stillness of His death Jesus turned apparent defeat into glorious victory overs sin, death and the devil.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-07-09

Where is the glory of God?

The glory of God was fully revealed when His Son was lifted up on the cross to draw all people unto Himself. He took all your sins into His body and was forsaken by His Holy Father so that you would never experience the eternal forsakenness of Almighty...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-06-11

Don’t wall yourself off

Christians are founded on Christ. They are living stones being built up as a spiritual house to proclaim God’s light and mercy.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-05-28

Drink from the stream rather than the brook

Don’t just read books about the Bible and spirituality. Don’t settle for the polluted and contaminated water that the world offers. Instead, read the Bible, the source of fresh and living water that wells up to eternal life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-05-14

Written that you may believe

Repent and believe in the gospel. Jesus is the source and the object of faith and salvation.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-05-07

Can Jesus really forgive my sins?

The Holy Scriptures teach that Jesus actually, physically and historically took our sins into his body that we might die to sin with him and live to righteousness.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-04-30

The “onlys” of salvation

Only Jesus, only Scripture, only grace, only through faith to the glory of God alone and so that no one may boast in their own works. We don’t have to do good works. We get to.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-04-23

The blood that neutralizes the serpent’s venom

Rebellion and disobedience have infected and poisoned all humanity with sin and the sure consequence is death. But Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us and his blood was shed to bring us forgiveness and life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-03-26

The snare of sin

Sin has you tied up in knots? Are you fighting to free yourself only to find sin’s grip tighter around you? Stop struggling and start confessing. Allow the Saviour who has conquered sin to come to you, to rescue you and to set you free.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-03-19

The illusion of pleasure, wisdom, power and wealth

They promise so much but deliver so little. Jesus delivers us from sin and assures us of eternal life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-03-12

Taken by the horns

Under trampled by sin? Jesus’ righteousness is proclaimed to you: your debt has been paid in full.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-03-05

Keep away from idols!

"A god means that from which we are to expect all good and to which we are to take refuge in all distress, so that to have a God is nothing else than to trust and believe Him from the heart" [Explanation to the First Commandment in Martin...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-02-26

Beware of false prophets!

False prophets mistake their own thoughts for the word of God. They may deceive and lead many people away from the truth. They are often full of grandiose promises of blessings and riches but say almost nothing about the disastrous effects sin has upon...

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-02-19

From tragedy to glory

God's children through Christ. God's anointed King Jesus transforms crippled and lame sinners into the glory of His image.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-01-29

Is Christianity relevant or counter-cultural?

This week Pastor Jon tells us that when we are one with Christ we can stand united and before God.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-01-22

Seek the Lord “where” He may be found!

We cannot find God by our reason or strength. God’s Word leads us to Jesus. In Him our faith finds salvation.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-01-15

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

God doesn’t need us to massage His ego. Rather, we give Him praise and honour for what He has done for us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-01-08

Don’t hide in the darkness!

Pastor Jon reminds us that in the New Year temptations are bound to come and advises us to seek security and shelter from the attacks of the evil one in God who is our fortress.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2017-01-01

Jesus Christ: the Christmas present that really matters

Didn’t get what you wanted this Christmas? God gave us what we really need: salvation through His Son Jesus.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-12-25

Sing “Glory to God in the highest”

Sing because God has come to us. Sing because God is with us and for us.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-12-18

Let it be according to Your Word

The Holy Spirit works God’s will among humanity through the proclamation of His Word.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-12-11

Jesus the Greatest

If you are looking for the greatest, look no further than Jesus

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-12-04

The voice of God’s mercy

Lift up your voice in praise; in the coming of Jesus Christ God came to save you.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-11-27

How Long, O Lord?

Are you under attack? Consumed by sorrow? Have these things gone overtime? Remember, God is the ultimate time keeper and He will deal bountifully with those who trust in Him. Listen to Pastor Jon Ehlers’ devotion on Psalm 13 in Cross Encounters.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-11-20

The heavy yoke and the light burden

Humans to often live their life as oxen of old – toiling and dying – but isn’t there more to it?

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-10-16

The Fall

We do not need an improved self. We need a new self through Christ.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-09-25

Lost, sought, found!

Pastor Ehlers reflects on God’s joy over the repentant sinner.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-09-18

Branded mavericks

Baptism: God’s way of marking His own

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-09-11

The hammer of God

The voice that breaks hearts of stone and creates new life.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-08-28

Wait on The Lord

Are we to wait passively or actively for His coming? Pastor Ehlers reflects on what it means to wait on The Lord

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-08-21

Cross Encounters - #168

Cross Encounters - #168

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-08-14

Cross Encounters - #167

Cross Encounters - #167

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-08-07

Cross Encounters - #166

Cross Encounters - #166

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-07-31

Cross Encounters - #165

Cross Encounters - #165

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-07-24

Cross Encounters - #164

Cross Encounters - #164

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-07-17

Cross Encounters - #163

Cross Encounters - #163

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-07-10

Cross Encounters - #162

Cross Encounters - #162

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-06-05

Cross Encounters - #161

Cross Encounters - #161

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-05-29

Cross Encounters - #160

Cross Encounters - #160

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-05-22

Cross Encounters - #159

Cross Encounters - #159

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-05-15

Cross Encounters - #158

Cross Encounters - #158

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-05-08

Cross Encounters - #157

Cross Encounters - #157

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-05-01

Cross Encounters - #156

Cross Encounters - #156

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-04-24

Cross Encounters - #155

Cross Encounters - #155

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-04-17

Cross Encounters - #154

Cross Encounters - #154

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-04-10

Cross Encounters - #153

Cross Encounters - #153

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2016-04-03

Cross Encounters - #152

Cross Encounters - #152

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-08-02

Cross Encounters - #151

Cross Encounters - #151

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-07-26

Cross Encounters - #150

Cross Encounters - #150

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-07-19

Cross Encounters - #149

Cross Encounters - #149

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-07-12

Cross Encounters - #148

Cross Encounters - #148

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-07-05

Cross Encounters - #147

Cross Encounters - #147

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-06-28

Cross Encounters - #146

Cross Encounters - #146

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-06-21

Cross Encounters - #145

Cross Encounters - #145

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-06-07

Cross Encounters - #144

Cross Encounters - #144

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-05-31

Cross Encounters - #143

Cross Encounters - #143

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-05-17


Cross Encounters - #142

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-05-10

Cross Encounters - #141

Cross Encounters - #141

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-05-03

Cross Encounters - #140

Cross Encounters - #140

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-04-26

Cross Encounters - #139

Cross Encounters - #139

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-04-19

Cross Encounters - #138

Cross Encounters - #138

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-04-12

Cross Encounters - #137

Cross Encounters - #137

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-04-05

Cross Encounters - #136

Cross Encounters - #136

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-03-29

Cross Encounters - #135

Cross Encounters - #135

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-03-22

Cross Encounters - #134

Cross Encounters - #134

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-03-15

Cross Encounters - #133

Cross Encounters - #133

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-03-08

Cross Encounters - #132

Cross Encounters - #132

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-03-01

Cross Encounters - #131

Cross Encounters - #131

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-02-22

Cross Encounters - #130

Cross Encounters - #130

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-02-15

Cross Encounters - #129

Cross Encounters - #129

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-02-08

Cross Encounters - #128

Cross Encounters - #128

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-02-01

Cross Encounters - #127

Cross Encounters - #127

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-01-25

Cross Encounters - #126

Cross Encounters - #126

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2015-01-11

Cross Encounters - #125

Cross Encounters - #125

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-12-28

Cross Encounters - #124

Cross Encounters - #124

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-12-21

Cross Encounters - #123

Cross Encounters - #123

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-12-14

Cross Encounters - #121

Cross Encounters - #121

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-11-30

Cross Encounters - #120

Cross Encounters - #120

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-11-23

Cross Encounters - #119

Cross Encounters - #119

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-11-16

Cross Encounters - #118

Cross Encounters - #118

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-11-02

Cross Encounters - #117

Cross Encounters - #117

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-10-26

Cross Encounters - #116

Cross Encounters - #116

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-10-19

Cross Encounters - #115

Cross Encounters - #115

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-10-12

Cross Encounters - #114

Cross Encounters - #114

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-09-21

Cross Encounters - #113

Cross Encounters - #113

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-09-14

Cross Encounters - #112

Cross Encounters - #112

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-09-07

Cross Encounters - #111

Cross Encounters - #111

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-08-31

Cross Encounters - #110

Cross Encounters - #110

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-08-24

Cross Encounters - #109

Cross Encounters - #109

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-08-17

Cross Encounters - #108

Cross Encounters - #108

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-08-10

Cross Encounters - #107

Cross Encounters - #107

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-07-20

Cross Encounters - #106

Cross Encounters - #106

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-07-06

Cross Encounters - #105

Cross Encounters - #105

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-06-22

Cross Encounters - #104

Cross Encounters - #104

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-06-15

Cross Encounters - #103

Cross Encounters - #103

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-06-08

Cross Encounters - #102

Cross Encounters - #102

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-05-11

Cross Encounters - #101

Cross Encounters - #101

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-05-04

Cross Encounters - #100

Cross Encounters - #100

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-04-27

Holy Week 2014

Cross Encounters - #99

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-04-13

Cross Encounters - #98

Cross Encounters - #98

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-04-06

Cross Encounters - #97

Cross Encounters - #97

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-03-23

Cross Encounters - #96

Cross Encounters - #96

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-03-16

Cross Encounters - #95

Cross Encounters - #95

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-03-09

Cross Encounters - #94

Cross Encounters - #94

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-02-16

Cross Encounters - #93

Cross Encounters - #93

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-02-09

Cross Encounters - #92

Cross Encounters - #92

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-02-02

Cross Encounters - #91

Cross Encounters - #91

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-01-26

Cross Encounters - #90

Cross Encounters - #90

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-01-19

Cross Encounters - #89

Cross Encounters - #89

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2014-01-12

Cross Encounters - #88

Cross Encounters - #88

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-12-15

Cross Encounters - #87

Cross Encounters - #87

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-12-08

Cross Encounters - #86

Cross Encounters - #86

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-11-17

Cross Encounters - #85

Cross Encounters - #85

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-11-10

Cross Encounters - #84

Cross Encounters - #84

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-11-03

Cross Encounters - #83

Cross Encounters - #83

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-10-27

Cross Encounters - #82

Cross Encounters - #82

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-10-20

Cross Encounters - #81

Cross Encounters - #81

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-10-13

Cross Encounters - #80

Cross Encounters - #80

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-10-06

Cross Encounters - #79

Cross Encounters - #79

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-09-29

Cross Encounters - #78

Cross Encounters - #78

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-09-22

Cross Encounters - #77

Cross Encounters - #77

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-09-15

Cross Encounters - #76

Cross Encounters - #76

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-09-08

Cross Encounters - #75

Cross Encounters - #75

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-09-01

Cross Encounters - #74

Cross Encounters - #74

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-08-25

Cross Encounters - #73

Cross Encounters - #73

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-08-18

Cross Encounters - #72

Cross Encounters - #72

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-08-04

Cross Encounters - #71

Cross Encounters - #71

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-07-28

Cross Encounters - #70

Cross Encounters - #70

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-07-21

Cross Encounters - #69

Cross Encounters - #69

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-07-14

Cross Encounters - #68

Cross Encounters - #68

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-06-16

Cross Encounters - #67

Cross Encounters - #67

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-06-09

Cross Encounters - #66

Cross Encounters - #66

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-06-02

Cross Encounters - #65

Cross Encounters - #65

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-05-26

Cross Encounters - #64

Cross Encounters - #64

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-05-19

Cross Encounters - #63

Cross Encounters - #63

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-05-12

Cross Encounters - #62

Cross Encounters - #62

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-05-05

Cross Encounters - #61

Cross Encounters - #61

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-04-28

Cross Encounters - #60

Cross Encounters - #60

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-04-21

Cross Encounters - #59

Cross Encounters - #59

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-04-14

Cross Encounters - #58

Cross Encounters - #58

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-04-07

Cross Encounters - #57

Cross Encounters - #57

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-03-31

Cross Encounters - #56

Cross Encounters - #56

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-03-24

Cross Encounters - #55

Cross Encounters - #55

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-03-17

Cross Encounters - #54

Cross Encounters - #54

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-03-10

Cross Encounters - #53

Cross Encounters - #53

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-03-03

Cross Encounters - #52

Cross Encounters - #52

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-02-24

Cross Encounters - #51

Cross Encounters - #51

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-02-17

Cross Encounters - #50

Cross Encounters - #50

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-02-10

Cross Encounters - #49

Cross Encounters - #49

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-02-03

Cross Encounters - #48

Cross Encounters - #48

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-01-27

Cross Encounters - #47

Cross Encounters - #47

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-01-20

Cross Encounters - #46

Cross Encounters - #46

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-01-13

Cross Encounters - #45

Cross Encounters - #45

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2013-01-06

New Year`s Resolution

Cross Encounters - #44

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-12-30

Cross Encounters - #43

Cross Encounters - #43

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-12-23

Cross Encounters - #42

Cross Encounters - #42

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-12-16

Cross Encounters - #41

Cross Encounters - #41

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-12-09

Cross Encounters - #40

Cross Encounters - #40

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-12-02

Cross Encounters - #39

Cross Encounters - #39

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-11-25

Cross Encounters - #38

Cross Encounters - #38

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-11-18

Cross Encounters - #37

Cross Encounters - #37

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-11-11

Cross Encounters - #36

Cross Encounters - #36

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-11-04

Cross Encounters - #35

Cross Encounters - #35

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-10-28

Cross Encounters - #34

Cross Encounters - #34

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-10-21

Cross Encounters - #33

Cross Encounters - #33

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-10-14

Cross Encounters - #32

Cross Encounters - #32

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-10-07

Cross Encounters - #31

Cross Encounters - #31

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-09-30

Cross Encounters - #30

Cross Encounters - #30

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-09-23

Cross Encounters - #29

Cross Encounters - #29

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-09-16

Cross Encounters - #28

Cross Encounters - #28

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-09-09

Cross Encounters - #27

Cross Encounters - #27

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-09-02

Cross Encounters - #26

Cross Encounters - #26

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-08-26

Cross Encounters - #25

Cross Encounters - #25

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-08-19

Cross Encounters - #24

Cross Encounters - #24

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-08-12

Cross Encounters - #23

Cross Encounters - #23

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-08-05

Cross Encounters - #22

Cross Encounters - #22

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-07-29

Cross Encounters - #21

Cross Encounters - #21

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-07-22

Cross Encounters - #20

Cross Encounters - #20

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-07-15

Cross Encounters - #19

Cross Encounters - #19

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-07-08

Cross Encounters - #18

Cross Encounters - #18

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-07-01

Cross Encounters - #17

Cross Encounters - #17

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-06-24

Cross Encounters - #16

Cross Encounters - #16

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-06-17

Cross Encounters - #15

Cross Encounters - #15

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-06-10

Cross Encounters - #14

Cross Encounters - #14

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-06-03

Cross Encounters - #13

Cross Encounters - #13

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-05-27

Cross Encounters - #12

Cross Encounters - #12

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-05-20

Cross Encounters - #11

Cross Encounters - #11

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-05-13

Cross Encounters - #10

Cross Encounters - #10

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-05-06

Cross Encounters - #9

Cross Encounters - #9

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-04-29


Cross Encounters - #8

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-04-22

Cross Encounters - #7

Cross Encounters - #7

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-04-15

Cross Encounters - #6

Cross Encounters - #6

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-04-08

Cross Encounters - #5

Cross Encounters - #5

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-04-01

Cross Encounters - #4

Cross Encounters - #4

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-03-25

Cross Encounters - #3

Cross Encounters - #3

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-03-18

Cross Encounters - #2

Cross Encounters - #2

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-03-11

Cross Encounters - #1

Cross Encounters - #1

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • 2012-03-04

Cutting short

We can`t create God`s blessings to us but we can certainly cut them short. Only with Jesus can we have life in all its fullness.

  • Pastor George Samiec
  • -1-11-30