A quest for answers to pressing issues and their ramifications for the Church today. Weekly talk show hosted by P. Jon Ehlers.
Mondays: 03:00, 11:00, 15:00, 21:00
How the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns shape the canon. Interview with Tomas Bokedal, Associate Professor in New Testament and Early Christianity at NLA University College, Norway, and Lecturer in New Testament at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
How the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns shape the canon. Interview with Tomas Bokedal, Associate Professor in New Testament and Early Christianity at NLA University College, Norway, and Lecturer in New Testament at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
How the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns shape the canon. Interview with Tomas Bokedal, Associate Professor in New Testament and Early Christianity at NLA University College, Norway, and Lecturer in New Testament at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Can we trust Jesus` words at face value? Final episode of this series with Dr Peter Myers. Dr Myers is Professor of Old Testament and Biblical languages and speaks to Pastor Jon Ehlers about his conversion from Anglicanism to Confessional Lutheranism.
Are evil and damnation ultimately God`s idea? Are the Bible`s warnings that I must keep trusting Jesus real? Second episode in this series with Dr Peter Myers on his conversion from Anglicanism to Confessional Lutheranism. Dr Myers is Professor of Old Testament and Biblical languages.
Do I need to add my thoughts to God`s Word? Can we really worship Jesus as a human being? First episode of this three-part interview with Dr Peter Myers on his conversion from Anglicanism to Confessional Lutheranism. Dr Myers is Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages. He is a member of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cambridge.
On the 500th anniversary of Luther’s Invocavit Sermons, Pastor Jon Ehlers interviews Dr. Neil Leroux. A professor of communication, media, and rhetoric at the University of Minnesota Morris, Leroux researches the rhetoric of Martin Luther. Episode 1 of...
A new perspective on the life of Katherine Parr, the sixth and final wife of the infamous Henry VIII. Interview with Rev. Dr. Dr Donald Matzat about his book entitled Katherine Parr: Opportunist, Queen, Reformer: A Theological Perspective. Part 1 of 2.
Interview with Reverend Jerry Lawson; Pastor Lawson and his wife Patty serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Russia. In this role, Jerry teaches courses in Lutheran theology at the Theological Institute of the Evangelical...
How Jesus’ commission to make disciples from all nations is at work in Africa. Part two of this interview with Rev Dr Carlos Walter Winterle, rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in South Africa and President-Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran...
From Brazil to Kenya, from Kenya to South Africa, from South Africa to Mozambique: How Jesus’ commission to make disciples from all nations is at work in Africa. Two-part interview with Rev Dr Carlos Walter Winterle, rector of the Lutheran Theological...
More on the question of impact of the Church in society today, this discussion firmly declares the responsibility which Christians are called to serve by faith – even so to save the lost culture around us. By living as faithful members actively engaged...
This topic discusses issues in the relationship between Church and State in the modern Western world, so evident in the declining faithful community (with report from both the USA and UK). By assessing trends in human thought and secular influences, it...
A key point to recall during Epiphany is this central doctrine on the Justification by faith we receive through Christ alone. We can see all mankind is lost in sin, with need to correct misdeeds. Yet by Christ’s work of atonement we are saved, as God...
This explores more on the topic of integrating Christian faith in India today, with challenging issues of enculturation. For example, inter-faith dialogue can help to define the differences between Christ and the Hindu Avatar. Also, the issue of family...
What can philosophy do for confessional Lutheran thinking and what can confessional Lutheran thinking do for philosophy?. First of three interviews with Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz, Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University Wisconsin.
Looking at the structure of books in the Bible, we can see distinct patterns and themes such as the series of the Septuagint, the message of the Psalms, the character of the Gospels. Further details, such as the order of the Epistles and specific...
The Scriptures can be recognised as such a rich literary resource, which bear prominent significance as for being an historic account enforced with its theological themes and truth. The unique Hebrew culture is deep-rooted throughout the Old Testament,...
By understanding our communion with Christ, we can also better perceive our individual role in the Church. Luther defied the institution of the Church in his day (with its imposed hierarchy) to describe instead the individual ‘priesthood’ as...
Luther served to redefine the idea of the Church in his time (yet offered little instruction on how to operate it most effectively). According to his doctrine, our service should be by adhering to the fundamental principles evident through Christ in the...
An interesting review of a peer of Luther who served at the University of Wittenberg and supported the Protestant movement. Amsdorf helped to clarify the Lutheran theology for the common people, the most essential points concerning the role of God’s...
Further discussion explores Luther’s notion of us being bonded or ‘bound’ to our neighbour, as another member in the Christian family. This derives from trust in God with absolute assurance of all that is provided through Christ: liberating us from...
This treatise by Luther concerning our Christian life and responsibility derives from religious argument in medieval Germany at that time. Being controversial for its criticism of the corrupt Church authority, Luther’s motive was to clarify public...
To review our understanding of what it means to be human is very revealing. To note the cultural changes that are so diverse and relative to many societies - with different spiritual beliefs - also helps us to consider the current state of Christianity...
Here is a vital discussion on living the Christian Life, to consider it as a pilgrimage - walking ‘the Way’ - so as to understand the Divine Laws of beauty, goodness and truth. Through this aesthetic experience, it essentially compels us to improve...
To ascertain the principles our Lutheran confessions, it was concurred by the committee that God reveals Himself through the Word: as that which was spoken (through prophecy), written (in Scripture), and embodied in His Son, Jesus Christ. Also we know...
Here is review of a book representing the core values of our confessional Lutheran faith, as it was systematically prepared by a council of the LCMS in the 1980s. It addressed a fundamental need to present the truth of these dogmas in a coherent way,...
The prophetic story of Jonah is remarkable, considering his dismay for God’s mercy which was granted to the Gentiles. Jonah judged that destruction was more fitting for their corruption. However, he was himself notably disobedient to God’s command...
With respect for the function of Church music to unite us into a community for worship, there is now a calling to expand upon the tradition and instruments, introduce new methods and understanding for the next generation of professional Church musicians....
Important issues concern the music scene in Lutheran worship today, considering how Luther brought revolutionary methods to integrate the congregation into the worship service. With respect for the well-established tradition, now is a matter to...
The liturgy and settings for worship in the ELCE has evolved in an interesting way, relative to the immigration of Lutherans to America. As result, over time it produced a vast selection of musical settings applied to different texts. Plans are underway...
There is a great reputation for Lutheran hymnody – renown ever since Luther’s initiative to translate Latin liturgy into the people’s common language to promote wide-spread ministry of God’s Word. So it is similar incentive for producing this...
The fact of Jesus ministry is also verified by external sources. Historic records from the Roman Empire concur with specific dates and locations in the Biblical account; and the earliest references of the “sect” of Jesus’ followers first labelled...
This episode considers the Biblical account of the many witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection, with the diversity of their details in different contexts – from visitors to the empty tomb, to visions of the Risen Christ. Good reason to regard this as...
Sceptics and scientists disclaim the validity of Christ and His ministry due to the miracles He wrought and His Resurrection. This discussion verifies Jesus as Truth through multiple points, notably the eye-witness accounts of the Risen Christ. Also the...
Luke emphasises in his account of Christ’s teaching to the disciples precisely how to cry out with lamenting prayer to God. By examples in parables, Jesus conveys that the manner of approach must be with a contrite and humble spirit. Also in...
Here we consider the practice of lament as a traditional Jewish form of prayer, beseeching the Lord for delivery from tribulation. Luke’s account of Christ reflects specific petitions of lament from the Old Testament Overall, it is affirming Jesus’...
For the idea of Sanctification as ‘making holy’ it is helpful to review the rituals commanded by God’s Law in the Old Testament. The former sacrifices and cleansing, necessary even to enter the temple, we recognise has been fulfilled for us by...
The concern of how our salvation can be verified has caused for much concern and different understandings within the Christian Church. Dr Tom Winger speaks of his article ‘The Reformation of Salvation’ to explain the Lutheran perception of how we are...
This second review of Lutheran theology scrutinises the Classic logic which fell short in his revelation of the interplay of God’s grace. The Catholic concept of the merit and measure of righteousness incited his defiance posting the 95 theses,...
Here is a review of the different efforts for religious reform which had been pressing prior to the Reformation: regarding the political structure and papal leadership in Rome, individuals such Wycliffe and Huss, civil revolt and logical thinking in the...
The message and language of the Psalms tend to touch deeply to a universal human experience and understanding our relationship with God. Professor Jeffrey Pulse identifies this into three categories and a cyclical pattern which is common throughout the...
The generous gift Christ delivers during this season is His Light promised to ALL the World. Dr Richard Harvey describes the celebration of Hanukkah from the Messianic Jewish perspective, respecting Christ as Lord. His powerful statement, ‘I and the...
What is Advent all about? Christians count times and seasons with a different calendar than the secular world around them. The Church Year reminds us that God has already come into the world, that He comes to us now through His Word and Sacraments and...
Here is an informative analysis discussing the security granted us by God, which allows for faithful trust and contentment in our lives and sense of order in the World. Dr Robert Kolb opens some interesting aspects of view determining God as ultimate...
Rev Robert Kolb further explores what seems to be a real mystery, the Righteousness which is granted to us: concerning how it is we can be both sinner and saint simultaneously. He elaborates upon Luther’s explanation (e.g. in the Small Catechism) how...
Rev Robert Kolb investigates in this series ‘The Two Kinds of Righteousness’ as understood by Luther, and applicable to our own roles and responsibilities in whatever way of life. As children of God being a product of His Grace, our identity is...
What constitutes the Church? Pastor Ehlers interviews Robert Kolb, author and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St Louis - Missouri. In this episode: God’s Word, Baptism, Holy Communion and the Office of the Keys.
Dr Robert Kolb identifies how our sinfulness is put to death through Christ’s death and renewal. He expands upon the German understanding of Justification as a theme of righteousness, also thoughts from the theologian Gustaf Aulen, and finally...
Dr Robert Kolb delves further in the corresponding impact of these themes on our lives, discussing first the imperative function of the Law and its heavy impact. Yet the redeeming feature is Luther’s message of the Gospel, which provides us assurance...
Dr Robert Kolb speaks of Luther's perspective relative to the culture of his times, with his revolutionary understanding. This considers departing from ritual practice yet serving God's Will, next to the purpose of grace in our relationship...
Faith and Literature. In this episode we consider the work of Gerard Manly Hopkins, Emily Dickinson and Lord Byron. Final instalment of this series of interviews with Dr. Susan Bachman, Professor of rhetoric and Director, Concordia University Irvine’s...
“Christians can see Christ with the eyes of faith in whatever they read”. In this episode we consider the work of Robert Burns. Part three of this series of interviews with Dr. Susan Bachman, Professor of rhetoric and Director, Concordia University...
“Literature with memorable characters from other times and places gives us more empathy as we enter and envision the struggles of others. We see our own lives more accurately if we gain a little distance through the distance”. In this episode we...
How Literature links to faith without speaking specifically of God. Part one of a series of interviews with Dr. Susan Bachman, Professor of rhetoric and Director, Concordia University Irvine’s Cambridge oversees study programme in affiliation with...
Interview with Rev. Dr. Dean Zweck a pastor of the Lutheran Church who served as lecturer in church history and supervisor for overseas students at Australian Lutheran College. From time to time he also taught in the New Testament area.
This wonderful text for Christmas proclaims the majesty of the King who has come to us. Hear how this King is perfectly fitted to accomplish God’s plan of salvation for all peoples. Let our rejoicing begin as the darkness is scattered and the peace of...
Be strong, fear not!” Dr. Bartlet is back for another examination of an Advent text from the prophet Isaiah. The theme of new creation again is prominent in this text. For those in the midst of despair and captivity, our God promises refreshing steams...
This week Dr. Bartelt discusses a passage that may “stump” many. He gets to the “root” of kingship in Israel and how the Messiah recreates paradise for people from all nations who find their rest in David’s greater Son.
During the season of Advent Dr. Andrew Bartelt of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis walks us through the Old Testament lectionary readings from the prophet Isaiah. This week he provides us with a history of Isaiah and notes that in these “later days” God...